Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 19°C, 115 online
TV 10:54:02
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You Am I - Hourly, Daily (1997) - Moon Shines On Trubble

Moon Shines On Trubble
You Am I
Hourly, Daily (1997)

Moon shines hard on trouble.
Check your watch by the lake city shuttle
And she tries hard not to decide.
Are you gonna tell him where you go nightly?
When you're dressed so brightly.
Is the money gonna come without a price?
A hundred holes and bubbles.
you gotta avoid trouble
Just waiting for something to arrive.
And all your daydream heroes
Are losing their hair, teeth and halos
who're you fall into tonight?

Pay the bills for uncle Ted he's a nutter.
Lives on bananas and peanut butter
Keeps his teeth in a glass of Long Island tea.
And are you gonna tell him where you go nightly?
And that the kids are tucked in tightly?
Is the city big enough for you to hide?

A hundred holes and bubbles.
You gotta avoid the trouble
Of waiting for a way out to arrive.
All your daydream heroes
Are losing their hair, teeth and halos
who're you fall into tonight?

Are you gonna tell him where you go nightly?




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