Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 19°C, 124 online
TV 10:47:01
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You Am I - Hourly, Daily (1997) - Heavy Comfort

Heavy Comfort
You Am I
Hourly, Daily (1997)

Did you catch her in the window?
Do I run or do I mend.
Praying for heavy comfort
To fill his pockets with his hands.
Men in chip shops, milk bars, postmen
Used to fork out for your mouth.
And now the compliments have stopped
Since every asset's headed south.
He was a sharp one what a looker.
The last drunk to hang around.
Get well she could colour knickers
Just for the mirror now.
Had a dream once it was morning
In a dress that never frayed.
And now your friends are like eyelashes
Too many dropping off these days.

For forty seconds today
I was sure that we were feeling the same way.

For forty seconds today
I was sure that we were feeling the same way.






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