Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 18°C, 118 online
TV 09:59:16
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You Am I - Dress Me Slowly (2001) - Gone Gone Gone

Gone Gone Gone
You Am I
Dress Me Slowly (2001)

Been living underwater but I sure dug the sea
But no-one could hear me out when I leant back to scream

Coming through the shelves to live in the dirt
To keep from the sun, to keep from getting hurt
Gettin' gone

You got a lot to learn
Ahh got a lot to learn from getting
Gone gone gone

Been feeding on contributions from the folks on the bridge
Throw the scraps on out when they need a trip

So I flap my tail and give a high-pitched squeak
Just so they could leave me in between the rocks to sleep
Gettin' gone

I wasted so much time that I
Oh wouldn't swap the line of getting
Gone gone gone
You got a lot to learn
Ahh got a lot to learn from getting
Gone gone gone

I don't know where the sadness starts
'Coz I'm so happy I could die
Just give me long enough to live
Yeah an' it's only when I fly

I wasted so much time that I
Oh wouldn't swap the line of getting
Gone gone gone
You got a lot to learn
Ahh got a lot to learn from getting
Gone gone gone




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