Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 18°C, 117 online
TV 10:25:18
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Yes - Tormato (1978) - Future Times/Rejoice

Future Times/Rejoice
Tormato (1978)

In the fountains of the universe
(set time in accord)
Sits the boychild Solomon
(Ever turning round and round)
In the cities of the Southern Sky
(set points universe)
Dreams he of glory
(pulsating round and round)
Future times will stand and clearly see
(highest dancing)
Of the course of innocence
(Drifting drifting)

See it all
See it all
Till tomorrow
See it all
See it all
Till tomorrow
Future times will stand and clearly smile
Of the course of innocence

Dantalion will ride again (raging forth underland)
The course of evils standing straight (grind to grind)
Hot metal will abound the land (churning out shout)
As the form regards our blazing hand
Future times will stand and clearly see
Of the course of innocence

One the word will enter all our hearts
Two the duel will alter them
Three jewels countenance divine away delight away
four the fight to free the land
Five the islands of Arabia
Six the tears that separate
Six the tears that separate






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