Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 18°C, 119 online
TV 09:56:59
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Yes - Magnification (2001) - Soft As A Dove

Soft As A Dove
Magnification (2001)

Soft as a dove
Touching the hand that lays next to me
Innocent light
Leading us through a moment in time

Then you came home
I let you cry like a father should do
Innocent light
Leading us to a moment in time

Soft as a dove
Touching the hand that lays next to me
Innocent light
Leading us through this moment in time
Thoughts run away
You're overcome by a flood of believing

Just like a dove you're flying away
Everything beautiful coming your way
Everything beautiful coming your way






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