Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 18°C, 98 online
TV 09:15:08
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Yello - Zebra (1994) - Night Train

Night Train
Zebra (1994)

I'm riding the night train
The smile is still burning
Dancing my way
A crown for the clown, I smile, and I run

For years now I'm driven
A smile, unforgiven
I'm dancing with strangers
Awaiting your big smile,
I'm rushing downtown while you're gone
For years now I'm driven, a smile unforgiven, the one

I'm riding the night train
The window's a mirror
I'm dancing with strangers
I'm waiting...for you

Awaiting your big smile,
I'm rushing downtown while you're gone
For years now I'm driven, a smile unforgiven, the one
A crown for the clown, a smiling crowd, and you're gone
For years now I'm driven, a smile unforgiven, the one




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