Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 17°C, 224 online
TV 08:36:37
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Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Yeah Yeah Yeahs [ep] (2001) - Our Time

Our Time
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Yeah Yeah Yeahs [ep] (2001)

I may be dead honey
but i was left with my eyes
and underneath sugar
well i've been stung by your lies
and my heart baby
is cold and blue
We're two of a kind baby
Me and You
It's our time sweet baby
To Break on through

It's the year to hated
so glad that we made it
Cuz all the kids in the street
Whisper sounds that sweet
The stars under their feet
Well it's the year to be hated

One two ready go
its our time [x7]
to be hated
All right
to be hated
come on kids
its our time [x7]
to be hated
all right
well it's the year to be hated






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