Dneska je neděle, 02.06.2024, svátek má Jarmil, venku je 20°C, 130 online
TV 15:32:35
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Frames, The - Dance The Devil (1999) - The Stars Are Underground

The Stars Are Underground
Frames, The
Dance The Devil (1999)

The stars are underground
And the proof is flying overhead
So kick me when I'm down
And I'll be the one you're laughing about now
I don't know if its real
Or how I'm supposed to feel now
That I'm out of your life
And into the darkness
And out of the darkness I'm coming now
When I'm out of your sight
And into the blackness

I drag myself along
Not sure of how I got in here
Well I must have done you wrong
Cause you always insist on telling me
Now how it feels
That I'm out of your life and into the darkness
And out of the darkness I'm coming now
When I'm out of your sight
And into the blackness

Tell Mairéad that you saw me
And see how they follow
When the piper plays the song






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