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Die Toten Hosen
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Die Toten Hosen - Learning english - lesson 1 (1991)

Song [24] Video Rating
Learning english step one0.8
Blitzkrieg bopvideoklip0.9
Brickfield nights0.8
Learning english step two0
Just thirteen0.8
If the kids are united0.8
Nasty nasty0.8
Learning english step three0
Dirty picturesvideoklip0.7
Baby baby0.8
Gary Gilmore's eyes0.8
Born to lose0.8
How the Rockafellas went to Hollywood0.8
Do you remember0.8
Carnival in Rio (Punk was)0.8
Learning english step four0
Right to work0.8
Whole wide world0.7
Smash it up0.8
Learning english step five0
Love and a Molotov cocktail0.8
Do anything you wanna do0.8
Goodbye from Janet & John0

tip: zobrazit texty všech písniček z alba na jedné stránce (vyžaduje 2. level)

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