Dneska je pondělí, 03.06.2024, svátek má Tamara, venku je 17°C, 82 online
TV 13:32:06
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- 123 min. - Home? (2002) - Holes

- 123 min.
Home? (2002)

Holes in my frame
I've got a picture I barely see
I could never believe I'd fear
I got too close - now I bleed
Do you bleed?
I should better leave it how
It was all served, not to try
To get another end, not going to allow
You to believe I'd ever lie
Did I lie?

So many times I've been too quick to surrender, delayed
It's coming now
I get the feeling I've been fooled with, I'm not to blame
Let's sum it up

At the border, face to face
Straighten up all things, even retreat
Cleaning out the ghosts making us insane
It's the only way by now

I don't know if it's too late
Catch another train, try the compromise
But if you'll see it as an act of whores
You will never find your peace
The release

So many times I've been too quick to surrender, delayed
It's coming now
How I got the feeling I'm alone trying to solve this case?
Betrayed somehow
Should I show all the wounds, their origin, their face?
You'd shiver
Now's your turn and my hand's here, my laughter, the faith
I deliver


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