Dneska je středa, 08.05.2024, svátek má stát, venku je 14°C, 111 online
TV 21:10:56
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Razorlight - Razorlight (2006) - Hold On

Hold On
Razorlight (2006)

Well now your here you are in your life
and now your finding out why
youve got to learn how to fight
before you learn how to fly

so stick your fist up proove them wrong
dont lose the words to the song
coz its a long way down
i guess you know that by now

but if you hold on
well i will hold on too
and if you reach up
yeah i will reach up too

well now your here in your life
its such a long way down
somehow you figure it out
so now you turn it around
but i know

but if you hold on
well i will hold on too
and if you reach up
yeah i will reach up too

too...too.. too.

and one thing before you go
just let everyone know
you refuse to regret it
just like everyone said you would
just like everyone knew you would

just say that you can
sleep at night
just say that you get nervous
with the struggle you fight

you cant believe what your told
and you cant be alone and you cant let it go and you cant lose control and you know
you are not just anoyone
no your not just anyone

and if you hold on
well i will hold on too
and if you reach up.. then i will reach up too
and if you hold on.. and i will hold on too
and if you reach up..






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